Why Goal-Setting Doesn’t Work For High-Achievers

You pride yourself on your accomplishments. You’ve always been one to get a lot done. More than most others. Yep, you got it–you’re a high-achiever. 

Yet you can’t help but feel like it’s not enough. You’re not accomplishing everything you want to.

As you’re doing yet another year-end review you’re staring down some goals that didn’t get met. All of the successes seem to fade into the background amongst these few things you’ve missed.

Last year you set your goals with such high hopes! But what you didn’t know is that goal-setting was about to let you down.

See, goal-setting doesn’t work for high-achievers. It gives the illusion that it does because it gets you part-way there, but ultimately it leaves you grasping at goals unfulfilled.

The Problems With Goal-Setting

One of the biggest problems with goal-setting is how it treats something known as your WHY. 

What happens is that a goal ultimately becomes another item on the to-do list. And when it becomes an item on a to-do list, it can create this pressure and this expectation (that has either been set by you or somebody else) to meet it–or else!

And when you’ve set a goal and created all this pressure and expectation, what’s missing? The feeling behind the goal.

What do I mean by that? The feeling behind the goal?

The feeling behind the goal is your big WHY. It’s the answer to questions like:

  • Why are you choosing to work towards this achievement? 
  • What does this goal create for you? 
  • What does this goal create in terms of possibility for other people? 
  • What is the deep-down “why that will make you cry”?

Goal-setting ignores the WHY behind the goal. And the thing is when you don’t know why the goal is important, you find yourself feeling exhausted. 

Feeling like you’re hustling to achieve the goal without even taking a second to sit down. 

Struggling with burnout as you run faster and faster on the hamster wheel.

As an ambitious woman who is always on the go and busy, busy, busy, you don’t take time to really connect with the why. It just becomes as I said earlier, one more thing on the to-do list.

And then another, possibly bigger problem with goal-setting is that traditional goal-setting focuses your plans and actions on the CURRENT you.

There’s a famous quote: “What got you here won’t get you there.” 

Millionaires think differently than everyone else. They act differently. Make different decisions.

So the way that we are just naturally built and wired is that we are going to make decisions and take actions based on our current belief system and currently where we are today. And the reality is, where you are today is based on your current reality belief system and when you set a big, ambitious goal it’s gonna require you to make different decisions and take different actions from a different belief system to create an outcome you’ve never done before.

It’ll take the next level-up version of yourself.

Set an Intention When You Set Your Goal

So goal-setting alone doesn’t work for high-achievers. But when you set an intention along with it, so much more becomes possible.

So how do you set an intention? 

It starts with asking yourself: Who is the person that I get to be to achieve the goal?

See, as an ambitious woman, when you set a goal, it is above and beyond something that you’ve already created. It’s new and unfamiliar territory.

The thing is, our brains are wired to keep us in the safe and familiar. You’re working hard to get out into that new, unfamiliar territory and crush that goal but your brain wants to fight it!

But you can fight back. Knowing that your brain is wired to keep you safe and familiar when you set a big, ambitious goal, here’s what it’s going to take: It’s going to take the thought processes and beliefs and decisions and actions of the person who can create that outcome. 

So you need to focus on: Who is the person that I need to be in order to achieve this goal?

  • How does that person think? 
  • What does that person believe? 
  • What decisions would that person make? 
  • How would that person act?

Setting an Intention Shifts Your Focus

Remember that when we set a goal, all this pressure and expectation is created. 

As an ambitious woman, a high-achiever, there’s a lot riding on that expectation.

And so because of this expectation that has been set, ambitious, high-achieving, driven women have a tendency to sacrifice things like self care, rest, relationships, family, time to recharge, time with loved ones, time doing things that they love to do, all in order to achieve that goal.

When this happens time and time again, you find yourself on the never-ending roller coaster of this high and low so that you can create this outcome and really meet this expectation.

But if you’re able to sit down and really connect with who do you get to be in order to achieve this outcome, the focus shifts from the outcome over to the journey. It shifts to who you get to grow into in the process, and this allows you to detach yourself from the outcome. Detach yourself from what the goal means or doesn’t mean about you and embark on a journey. 

How powerful is that? 

To start to break the bonds that goals hold over your self worth.

While still staying committed to the intention that you’ve made, the intention of building a million dollar business. And really connecting with the why and why you want to build a million dollar business and who you get to be on the journey of building the million dollar business. 

Who do you get to grow into? Who do you get to step into? What new actions do you get to take? What new decisions are you going to make? What new mindset do you get to step into?

So you stay committed to the outcome no matter what. Which means you also detach yourself from what the outcome means about you.

And shit gets done.

If that kind of power sounds good to you, you’re definitely going to want to join my brain-based, neuroscience-backed, Goal Achievement Workshop

Not only will you walk away from this 3-hour workshop with the exact steps to take daily to kick your productivity into overdrive–you will also learn how to create the balance you desire, have more time to do things that you love, while creating the FOCUS to achieve your goals quicker and EASIER!

Remember: The thinking that you currently have has got you to where you are today. To achieve something that you have never experienced before you need to BE and DO things you’ve never done before, not just in the actions that you take–but in the way that you think! So if you’re ready to set a BIG intention and get into MASSIVE action, to build a million dollar business (and life) without sacrificing your health, sanity, time with loved ones and some adventure, I’m inviting you to join my 3-hour brain-based Goal Achievement Workshop.